Nov 21, 2002 21:09
~^*So Jake was offering me advice on how to rectify a certain slump I am in at the moment, and the following dialogue ensued:
ibrokn: well then you need to find that sexy arc wielder of all your lustfilled fantasies to mend it
SNOOGANS14: hahahhhaa
SNOOGANS14: is that so?
ibrokn: yep
ibrokn: and then throw him to the curb
ibrokn: nothing will make you feel better than to reject someone
SNOOGANS14: nono
SNOOGANS14: I don't like to do that to people
ibrokn: oh
SNOOGANS14: bad karma, you know?
ibrokn: yeah
ibrokn: you can't fuck with karma
ibrokn: i try not to
SNOOGANS14: word
ibrokn: karma will reward me one day
SNOOGANS14: I believe it
ibrokn: probably not with a porsche though
SNOOGANS14: haha
SNOOGANS14: with what?
ibrokn: probably a geo prism or something
SNOOGANS14: I think I have a jar of Jelly Bellie's coming my way
ibrokn: you are doing better than me
SNOOGANS14: hahahhahahaa
Gotta love Jake~a~licious! Don't worry, kids, the "taboo post" is making its way to a Kimbaliyah journal near you! Mwahahahaha!