Life can be so overwhelmingly wonderful at times!

Nov 13, 2002 11:02

~^*I received one of the nicest compliments ever yesterday. I was walking up to c;ass and noticed Jared walking with this kid that I always see at the slams. {We've spoken and exchanged names before, but I can't remember his for the life of me. Soon enough I will know it!} I waved at them and J~Rod goes, "Oh, there she is. You wanna talk to her now?" So this kid and I begin talking about the last slam that took place. I had done this old, revised poem of mine. I wanted to avoid the angry, bitter, I~Hate~the~World~and~the~world~Hates~Me bullshit that everyone goes with. It's too easy to win with the anger/torment card and it gets old so fast. Yeah, so mine didn't win, but at least I brought my little celebration of life to the table. Anywho, this kid goes, "Yeah, until you read that piece, I had kinda been stuck in this really angry, political poem-writing rut. And then I heard yours. And I kinda wrote a response to it. I was thinking that maybe you could be on this poetry cd that I'm working on and if you like the piece I wrote, I could put that on, too." It was something to that effect. I felt so honored! I love when an exchange of the artistic inspiration happens between people like that. And I mean this kid is GOOOOOD! Anything he wrote would put anything I could ever dream of writing to shame! I have a feeling that my poem isn't really worthy of his response. (I'm not trying to get pity or anything, the kid really is that good. He puts every rapper to shame. He won the first poetry slam and I wouldn't be surprised if he wound up going to Nationals.) So yeah, that was very rad!*^~

~^*Yesterday, I had this damn history paper to write. I was getting really frustrated because Tye's friends kept coming in and knocking on the door or calling all day long! So finally, I just decided to put on my headphones and lock the door, because I really needed to get this work done. Well, around 4:30, I hear an unfamiliar knock knock knock on my door. My blood pressure immediately starts to rise. I think, "All right, I'm just going to ignore it." Then 2 seconds later I hear knock, knock, knock. So I'm like, "That's IT!" I get up to answer the door. Well lo and behold,it was Chauncey. Honestly, I had never experienced a moment as surreal as that one in my whole entire life. I thought that my eyes and my brain were in some serious disagreement with each other. I really wish that I could have seen my face. I thought, "Maybe Chauncey was on the back burner of my mind this whole time, because I KNOW that is NOT him standing at my door." Then I realized that indeed it was! He was en route back up to FPC after having visited a friend in Pennsylvania. So I screamed and hugged him and we got to spend a few hours together. Chauncey, I must apologize for not being more entertaining or having more to show you! My mind was all kinds of wacky and there isn't a great deal going on on a Tuesday night here at O~State. So yeah, my Chauncimus drove an hour and a half out of his way. What a fuckin' rock star! I adore that kid. He gets a big ass gold star as far as I'm concerned!*^~

~^*It is now time for our daily dose of Dave~isms!:

SNOOGANS14: never you fear, my dear, Kimbaliyah is here

DMasteller1978: crazy rhymin foo

SNOOGANS14: I learn from the best

SNOOGANS14: Meaning Mike D. and Adam Yauch, of course

SNOOGANS14: hahahahhaha

SNOOGANS14: just kidding

DMasteller1978: ooohh

SNOOGANS14: beeee~otch

DMasteller1978: mofuckie

SNOOGANS14: hahhahahhaha

SNOOGANS14: that is the funniest word EVER

SNOOGANS14: it's right up there alongside bonkey

DMasteller1978: That's how brothers say motherfucker in the south

DMasteller1978: fooo

SNOOGANS14: nu uh

SNOOGANS14: you be lying to me a~gin

DMasteller1978: uh huh

SNOOGANS14: no waaaaaaaaay

DMasteller1978: yup

SNOOGANS14: wait, in the south or in "DaveLand?"

DMasteller1978: the DIRTY SOOUTH with the big mouths

SNOOGANS14: hahhaa

SNOOGANS14: you ARE the dirty south

DMasteller1978: yo mama

SNOOGANS14: yeeehaw

DMasteller1978: you dirty foo

DMasteller1978: spot light capers wit da diggy dog lazers

SNOOGANS14: hhahahahhahaha

SNOOGANS14: Dave's a crackbaby hoe with nothin' in his show

SNOOGANS14: ooooooh SU~NAP!

DMasteller1978: what do you know ho

DMasteller1978: ?




DMasteller1978: WWHHHAATTTT?

DMasteller1978: wrath ass?

SNOOGANS14: yeah, yeah I SAID IT!

SNOOGANS14: wrath bonkey


DMasteller1978: You're quick on the draw sweetums

That boy just makes my night sometimes!*^~
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