Weird dreams

Jun 18, 2011 23:10

Twice in the past month, I've woken up from a nap thinking I was being electrocuted. My body felt uncomfortable and there was a loud buzzing in my ears. This woke me up (or so I thought) and I came to the conclusion that I was being electrocuted and thought I was going to die. Then I woke up for real and the sensations went away. The first time was during a lightening storm, and I concluded that the lightening was so close it was affecting me even though I was inside the building. The second time I was on a bus, and I concluded that my headphones were electrocuting me, but when I really woke up I realized that I wasn't wearing headphones. Both times I remembered that there was someone sitting/sleeping next to me, and wanted to ask them for help (like, to take off my earphones for me because I couldn't), but then I realized I couldn't move to ask them for help. It's a weird state of being aware enough to know that you were just sleeping and to remember where you are/what your surroundings are like, but still being asleep and experiencing something that's not real.

Pro Tip: if you think that you may have experienced a form of sleep paralysis, don't google "sleep paralysis" and read a bunch of anecdotes right before going to bed. After reading about someone "waking up" and getting a phone call that they're about to die, you will similarly "wake up" hearing an intruder in your kitchen and hear a voice warning you that they are going to attack you, only to wake up for real and be like ... dammit.

Normally nightmares are really rare for me, but I've had a few in the past week or so. I hope this is just by chance and not some trend. :-/ Thinking that you woke up when you haven't really is fairly disturbing.

On the plus side, one of the nightmares I had last week woke me up, and then resolved itself after I went back to sleep. I don't think I've ever experienced a continuation of a dream like that before, but I really appreciated it... in the first dream I watched as someone very dear to me fell off the side of a cliff after we inadvertently distracted him; in the second dream we ran over to where we thought we'd find his body and found that he had survived the huge drop unscathed. Thanks unconscious mind, that was a better ending.
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