Could Have, Should Have, Would Have

Feb 27, 2016 22:12

I've had such a great life. Unfortunately I either dwell on all my fuckups and what I could have done better to enhance my memories or I imagine the good times in great detail and fantasize how I would have expanded on that.

I could have married two different beautiful women and been very happy with either one. Now I'm just a lonely fat fuck.

I could have been really fluent in Chinese by now. Like Zuckerbug style. Now I barely scrape through mediocre 2nd level Chinese classes.

I used to be able to do fifty pushups, twenty six pull ups, fifty squats, and fifty situps. Now I die at my Crossfit practice. I've really gotta stick with that at least three times a week.

I've been emailed about downloading movies from the corporations and now I'm afraid of doing it. I feel like I'm missing out on so much new music. It was much better in Communist China where I was free to pirate anything.

My piano skills are shit. I can barely get through A Day In The Life. It's pitiful.

I don't go to church anymore. My parents bug me to go but there's no enticement. That God.

I like this Facebook quote, "You need to learn to hate life to the point where you want to get revenge on existence itself."
I want to get that passion back in my life. How do I do it?


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