Apr 16, 2007 10:14
I started writing this entry last night almost in tears. My whole day was an emotional rollercoaster.
So I wake up at 8am to call and see if polo and my horse show was cancelled due to the rain. Neither was, but the show was ridiculous and was only holding 3 divisions....so rather than havin gto be there at 4pm. i would have to be there at 10am. I was still in bed when I called and I had to be in the show ring in 2 HOURS!!! WTF. I get there, rushed as all hell, and get reserve champion, despite Nemo being an assclown due to my shitty riding and stress. I then get to polo which is running really late so I could play. Ryan was horrible the first chukkar so I stick my spurs on for the second and he goes great. Then, the most terrifying part of the whole day was Bob, HELPING me with Ryan. He hates that horse, yet helped me with him, like I was a client who paid money for his help...o wait...I am. On the way home I call Bob to ask him a question and thank him for helping me with my horse, and I get chewed out ovcer something that wasn't even my fault and he flips out. At this point I am ready to not work for him at all. I had already gotten a job offer through Cristian to work for Bryan and Jessica (Bryan Lazarus owns Meadowbrook Polo Club...one of the most prestigious around). I was all ready to take that job, despite the fact that it would probably put me on horrible terms with Bob for quite some time. BUT, Bryan's job includes FREE board on my horses.
I then get home and am online chatting with MIkey about how much I hate Bob and the power he has over my life, when I get an IM from the captain of UCONN polo. Just as I am sending her an IM saying that I am stressing about working this summer, she sends me an IM saying, "Brian Fairclough is looking for a groom this summer and I was wondering if you were interested? He pays $400 a week and it includes a place to live, it sounds pretty easy." I couldnt believe it! Brian and Andy Fairclough are pretty well known players in the Northeast and I may work for them. Holy crap. With my luck I see this falling through and I get fucked working for Bob this summer.
On top of it all, I get a check in the mail form my grandfather for $100. Sweet!