is (s)he that into you? or not so much?

Mar 21, 2007 16:16

So... Last night I was thinking "what are things that guys/girls do when they're flirting? How can people tell if we're interested? Worse yet, how can people tell when we're not interested?"
So I thought I'd start composing a list based on things I've seen people do, based on things that I do, and based on Psychology. Is he interested? You think she might hate you? Here's a list of things to look at.
Mind you, nothing's definite, and I'm hardly an authority on flirting.(I'm actually terrible.) Maybe he's just a flirt. Maybe she's just an Ice Queen. Maybe he's just shy. Maybe she's just a bitch.
If you want to add something, or think something is incorrect, comment and let me know, and I may add/change it! I need help with my not interested list, definitely.

They May Be Interested If...

♥They try to get you into new music, even if it's something you'd never listen to.
♥They're willing to stay up late to talk to you (either in person, on phone, or via IM)
♥ They reassure you when you're doubting yourself
♥They're willing to get into your interests, no matter how dorky
♥If they're desperate to get themselves out there, they'll bring up sex. A lot.
♥They compliment, often.
♥They figure out some way to tell you you're attractive
♥They embarass themselves in front of you
♥They IM you when you're not there, about anything, just to remind you that they're there.
♥Their away messages are lyrics from love songs.
♥They get all shy and smiley around you.
♥They wait for you after class
♥They try and spend as much time with you as possible, even if it's just giving you rides to campus
♥They're nice to your friends in order to get in with them (If you wanna be my lover, you gotta get with my friends!)
♥Everytime you hang out with them / have classes with them, they seem to be dressed far better than when you see them around campus.
♥They get all awkward around you (I am the king of this)
♥They tease you excessively, but always with a smile
♥They get all worried about what you think of them


They're Just Not That Into You When...

♪They only speak to you if you speak first (or only IM you when you IM them first)
♪They rarely make eye contact with you, or they look bored when you're talking
♪They talk excessively about their exes (though that may be showing signs of comfort, it may also show that they aren't over their ex)
♪They talk about other people they're attracted to (that's a big one)
♪They choose their friends over you
♪They avoid one-on-one time with you
♪If you two are close friends, they may avoid talking about sex at al
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