Re-Districting has put me into HoD 87?

Jul 18, 2011 15:44

I am having a hell of a lot of trouble finding out anything about November's Virginia-wide general elections, including what Districts I am in now that the 2010 Census has been used to re-district all the lines in the state.

It looks like I am now in House of Delegates District 87 (used to be 13):

I can't quite tell if I will be in State Senate district 13 or 28 (used to be 29) because the PDF map resolution and detail is not good enough to locate my house on the map:

I am disgusted that the publicly funded redistricting maps require proprietary (although free) and security nightmare Microsoft Silverlight to view them.

Update: Some quick analysis over at DailyKos:
Virginia Redistricting Analysis

About the new 87th, Johnny Longtorso writes:
"The new district went 59-41 for McDonnell and 54-45 for Obama. Democrats have grassroots organizer Mike Kondratick running, while Republicans will choose between Virginia Republican Party official Jo Ann Chase and consultant David Ramadan in the August 23 primary."

About the new 13th, Johnny Longtorso writes:
"Marshall's district was, I believe, the most overpopulated district in the House before redistricting; it had enough population for two districts. So a lot of precincts had to be removed: the northern portion of the district, including Loudoun County and the northwestern end of Prince William, was moved off to create the new 87th district, while the south end of the district around Manassas is chopped off and added to the 50th and 51st districts. This leaves us with a spindly tentacle that reaches from the Haymarket area to Bull Run, picks up Manassas Park, and adds the bit of Prince William that's wedged between Fairfax and Manassas. This leaves a district that's slightly improved for Democrats, having gone 61-39 McDonnell and 55-44 Obama, but which retains Marshall's base in western Prince William County.

The 13th always seems to be fools' gold for the Democrats; Marshall has had a tight grip on this district, and always manages to win, even while being outspent. Nevertheless, they're trying again; Air Force veteran and defense contractor Carl Genthner is giving it a go this time. We'll see how Marshall does in his newly-slimmed down district."

Update 2: Better Maps at, thanks VPAP!

virginia politics, election 2011, redistricting

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