2AM and she calls me because I'm still awake...

Aug 28, 2007 08:17

Yesterday there was a full lunar eclipse in Rochester, and I didn't know about it until this morning. :-(
I was up late and would have liked to have seen it and taken pictures. It was a full moon and a cloudless, cool night.

Oh Well.

Today is Freshman Move-In Day! This means chaos for the rest of us here. They closed Intercampus Drive (the really long parking lot where all the faculty park) and funneled them to my boonies lot. A lot of people took the day off. I got a ride from Ryan, but he had to be at work by 8:30 so I am here early. I don't mind. And I have a subject at 9:00 so I'm not that early anyways.

And the house smells so clean now!
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