What should I do with my life?

Jun 18, 2006 12:10

As many of you know I am currently in Oklahoma in an REU program, and it's halfway done!

This has been a great experience. I have met people from all over the country and got to really work an research. I have also been exposed to the world of psychology as opposed to Brain and Cognitive Science. I didn't realize there were so many branches of psych. I didn't realize how wide the options were but also how vital graduate school and not only that but a doctorate degree are. Several people I have met here got masters and that wasn't enough!

School psychology seems really neat. We had a talk with the school psychologist, and it seemed that the field is in demand. And it interested me. I like the idea of it, but I am worried that it was dolled up and isn't really as nice as he made it sound. I have emailed recent graduates of the OSU program and they all love it though. And a MA is enough to get work in the school system, you don't necessarily need a phD.

I don't really like IO psychology, but the idea of working with companies to optimize their strategies. It seems almost like advertising but instead of being optimal selling points it's optimal corporate strategies. And everyone says thats where the money is.

But a general clinical pschology degree is neat too. Do I want to work in a hospital or private practice? I don't know if I would like the idea that someones well-being is in my hands completely. We just listened to a speaker who works in blind veterans rehab, and that is a really big deal. Those people rely on him to learn to see!

And I still really like marketing. I did some research on that and I don't think I need a higher degree to start. Marketing research seems really fun and interesting. Right now this is my first choice.

Research and academia is ok too. I don't know if it will work for me, because I need structure and I like to have strict deadlines. That has been a problem here too. I get done what I need, but it has been hard to get other stuff done that doesn't have a deadline and doesn't really matter; like studying stats or for the GRE.

I am leaning towards marketing and the corporate world without graduate school right away. I just don't know what I want to focus on. I guess my best bet is to take the GRE's and then save the scores for 5 years in case I want to go back.

I hear that within the field psyD's are looked down on as the easy way out and MA or phD is the way to go. That just seems so specific and daunting.

What should I do with my life?!
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