Dec 14, 2005 05:35
This is Fact not Fiction
I haven't been thinking very much lately. I'm just bored really. Finals came around and I shut my brain off before I could get myself organized. I don't like UNCG. At Hartford it was like finals gradually came after Thanksgiving, but here it's like I came back from thanksgiving and the next Monday I was taking finals... actually it wasn't like that, it's what actually happened. Oh well, what can ya do right? I have an F in bio, a D in Cognitive psych which means I have to take it over even though I was going to anyway because I didn't learn shit from the guy, I got a C in Film and a B in Clinical Psych yay me... I'm going to be a super senior. Now I have to replan my next five years. This shit sucks. Next semest, I have to bring my GPA up. Which won't be hard, I just have to focus. When I'm focused like I was last year I am unstoppable. It's ridiculous how well I did last year. I got 100s on essays. No one gets perfect scores on essays, but I did. And I did a few without the help of James. I've spoken to him like 3 times this semester. Med school will keep you busy... I miss him. eh... Anyway, I just felt like doing something... But I don't really have anything more to say...