Rebekah blows raspberry bubbles!
Last night when the kids were in bed I was listening to the monitor in Rebekah's room and commented to Danny that it sounded like Mat was up and walking around. Danny went to check it out and discovered the source of the noise was our little girl lying in the dark in her room happily blowing raspberries!!
She's been doing it all day today too. Heh. Teh cuteness!
She wasn't teh cuteness last night tho. She had a bad sleep, waking about 6 times or more. I get sick of doing the "night shift" but accept it as MY job because it's part of my job description and Danny works his job full time. I don't usually mind the night shift, since Bekah has slept through from 5 weeks so I can't complain. The last two weeks or so however, she has been randomly waking up from 5.30am onwards. Last night it was 3am, 4am, 5am, 6am and a few thrown in in between. The first time Danny got up even tho he's sick. So lovely of him! Her dummy was eventually found stuck between the wall and the cot. It sucked that as soon as he gets up to her it's a difficult one! (I usually go in there in the dark and feel around for the dummy, feel around for the I don't disturb her too much, but he would have had to turn the light on and everything to find that one!). He ended up getting up twice for her and I got up about 4 or 5 times. Then this morning we're lying in bed and we hear it again...
Here is teh cuteness modelling her new 'too big' winter coat and showing her latest trick, raspberry bubbles.