Fanfiction Recommendations

Jul 21, 2007 15:36

At the moment I am reading a lot of fanfiction. Mostly Doctor Who (how surprising^^) but others as well.

There are two virtual seasons I can recommend:

1. Buffy Virtual Season 8:

If you don't mind a Buffy / Giles relationship, then you will love it because this is one of the best Buffy fanfictions I have ever read. Only one thing I don't like: The way they wrote Ethan. I don't think this is really in character. But besides this, it is well written, subtle and just interesting.

2. Doctor Who Virtual Season 4:

This one is a Doctor / Master shipper Fanfiction. Not as good as the Buffy Virtual Season but at least interesting and most of the time quite funny and surprisingly in Character.  The only thing is: The episodes are WAY too short *g*

buffy, doctor who, fanfiction

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