Feb 07, 2005 16:01
My working interview went rather well. I sat through part of a surgery---surger is much more complex at a surgical practice than at a general practice--go figure ;) They had this giant "lifescreen" monitor for all the vitals and a ventilator and all kinds of gadgets that I was intrigued, yet intimidated by. I talked to the office manager for a bit (I only got to interview with the head tech on Friday) and she seemed nice. They have 2 offices, this one and one out in Gilbert (aka Egypt) and there are 5 doctors that rotate between the 2 hospitals. Anyway she didn't tell me what the starting pay was--but just that it was higher than what I was asking for--that's always a good thing. She said I'd be hearing from her by the end of the week and that she also had a couple more people to interview. If I end up getting a teaching job for the fall I'd kinda feel guilty about only working there for such a short time (I didn't mention my plans of hoping for a full time job) but I'm sure I'd get over it :P So we'll see--if it's meant to be it'll all work out right?
I spent the other part of my day hopping from body shop to body shop. Steve took the truck to work last Thursday and someone from one of the other businesses around backed into it. They gave us all their insurance info and after Steve talked to them today they decided they'd rather pay for it out of their pocket rather than go through the insurance--whoever hit the truck was driving the company vehicle. So anyway, I went to 5 different places and got quotes, which were all really close in price so either all 5 of the places were really honest or they were all ripping me off in the same way :) I told Steve to make sure the company knows they have to pay for a rental too cause all the bodyshops said it'd take 3-4 days to get the truck fixed. It isn't anything big. It's on the passenger side and it's the wheel frame and the fender. It's just a small dent (at least only a small dent is visible) but I know there's some stuff we can't see that'll some effort to fix.
Once again, I have to say how incredibly lame I thought the Superbowl was. The commercials weren't anything big and c'mon--Paul McCartney for a halftime show?! Give me a break---all I needed was for Barry Manilow to sing the National Anthem and that would've been enough for a girl to have a stroke. Good God in heaven--even a nun would've said that was too conservative.