
May 24, 2005 18:34

Name scionis
gender And I shall dub thee... WTF cares? ;)
age 19 in 4 days. ^_^
likes customization, colonial dancing, backpacking, music boxes, hot tubs
dislikes hypocrites, growing up, reality.
Favorite and least favorite foods fav: fast/home, least fav: cheesecake, seafood, foreign
Hobbies? making graphics; collecting Yu-Gi-Oh! cards; collecting Ancient Egyptian... stuff...
interests? FMA, Ancient Egypt, sailing
What is your nationality? American
What sports are you into? baseball, basketball, ice hockey, soccer, blitzball... I love almost all sports. ^_^
What languages have you studied or are proficient in? Studied Mandarin, proficient in Ewok.
Are you single or on the prowel or happily taken? single
How sexual are you? asexual
Do you like to be alone or with friends? both
Leader or Follower? have leadership skills, but mostly choose not to exercise them.
Immature or more Mature? both.
What kinds of activities do you like to do for fun? videogames, rollercoasters, singing
Are you more outspoken or reserved? both, depending on my mood. I either stay quiet, or I come out with a blunt, sarcastic comment.
You into drugs/partying/alcohol a lot, or stay away from that? Stay far, far, away.
Bad girl/boy or goody-goody?Goody-goody.
More for girls Do you/others consider you more cute or pretty?Scary
More for guys Do you/others consider you more rugged/manly or not?Scary
Your favorite capcom and/or snk guysOrochi Iori
Your favorite snk and/or capcom girlsFelicia
Least favorite characters? Hugo, Hugo, and... Hugo.
* Who do YOU see yourself most as? Note, this is optional and really only helpful if we're really stuck in rating you I don't know... thats why I'm asking you. ^_^
Who do you NOT see yourself as? Benimaru... ;)
Shameless plug area for websites/interesting sites of your choice Neopets, 8 bit theatre.
Anything else you'd like us to know? Interesting anecdotes? Here is the space for it
"But I'm not broken, in my dreams I win, and here I'm nothing, a Cosmic Castaway."


Please post at least 2 of them

meh, dont know what I did with the links. Too lazy right now. Plus, I'd prefer not to post them anyway. ^_^

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