Prom was was amazing...i felt like a princess and so many
people commented on my dress it turned out to be a great day
considering the week was all rainy. I didnt dance too much thats cuz
jerry is really shy and well the 2 of us cant dance so it was weird,
but i didnt was highly disgusting watching people grinding
like they were having sex...seriously it looked like the guy was butt
fuckin the girls and one of the chairs my group was sittin in got
"violated" jerry had to get up and move cuz they were gettin closer to
him and it was just plain nasty and stanky to watch. But all in all i
had a wonderful time i wish it lasted longer...i want another prom lol.
Graduation is THIS friday...goodness so excited...i have to find an
outfit on wed. since its my only day off this week. I cant believe how
quickly things are moving. Pretty soon i'll be starting college then
gettin a 9-5 job and then moving out of my growing up too
fast...i'm happy to be growing up but then again i miss being little :(
I dont got much more to say so i'll talk later bye bye
I'll have more pix when i get them from other camera fucked
up and the film got stuck so these were the only ones that were saved