hippity hop

May 29, 2007 13:20

i just got home from my first anthropology class, im really excited for it because it is a three week block class so i can just get it over and done with... 
life is ok at home... its a bit lonely, but i love being able to look out my window at the coastline mountains of california instead of the desert....

anthony came home this weekend and it was a little rough, it is hard to see him doing his own thing because usually when we are together we are with eachother non stop....i need to learn how to be a good functioning girlfriend...

anyways...jill is home, and it is just like old times...kind of...i wish i was working at the pool now, but i only have 3 weeks to be home so i cant go back.

i am really concerned that anthony is having second thoughts about living with me this summer, it is sad because i keep bugging him about what he wants and if he wants to be with me, but i think that the thing that is pushing him away is me being bothersome asking questions like that....if that makes any sense at all.

i want to give him his space so badly, to show him that i dont need to be in constant contact with him, but i am afraid that if i let him go do his thing, he will realize that life is good without me in it as much.

i hate being worrysome.

my crazy brain, anthropology, california, jill, isla vista, anthony

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