Aug 29, 2011 01:18
- Morning, 1247 Williams Rd and anyone who wanders by the front door -
[Riza was still feeling painfully guilty about the things she'd done while being droned, and when she wasn't feeling guilty for attacking every person she came across she was trying to shove the memory of being murdered--and waking up fine the next day as if nothing had happened--from her mind. Her housemates will find her in the kitchen, baking what may or may not be edible cookies as an apology to the people she'd harmed. At least, she was baking, until there was a knock on the front door. Everyone in the house can probably hear her squeak of surprise, followed by a very cheerful "Hayate!" If you happen by the front door, you will find her crouching on the floor with Black Hayate's face nuzzled into hers.]
- Afternoon, Around town -
[After her cookies are baked, Riza takes to the streets, Black Hayate following at her side as she walks. She's looking specifically for everyone she'd encountered--and attacked--while droned. She bears a peace offering of cookies. They may not be the best cookies you've ever had, but it's the thought that counts, right?]
- Evening, Park -
[Cookies delivered, Riza takes Black Hayate to the park. She'll be standing in the grass, throwing a small ball she'd gotten the dog and then praising him when he brings it back to her. She's clearly in the best mood she's been in since her arrival here in Mayfield, and Black Hayate is quite a friendly puppy. He might even approach anyone who wanders by!]