Greetings for the end of September!

Sep 30, 2012 20:14

September's almost over!! So many things happened this month. <3 There was Nakamaru's birthday, Kame's stage play, my best friend overseas's birthday, some 1st's and reunions and etc etc...
Plus I also got a FullyBooked discount card!!! YEEAHHHHH!!! <3

I hope September was as wonderful and experience-y for all of you :) Because mine sure was.
On to the drabble....

The Top 10 events this September:

#10 = 1st Graphic Novel (DC), last book of series Artemis Fowl,  1st bought volume of Air Gear (vol.20) and last book of A Series Of Unfortunate Events

Actually, I've only read the DC comic book so far :)) I hardly have anytime to read the others since my school is stacking up on projects and I've got to catch up since I've been absent for a few days.

But asfjkghadfhg oh my gosh, "The Killing Joke" is sooooooooo awesome!! I know it's pretty late for me to read and know about it; because I heard from my classmates they've read it a long time ago. BUt still, I'm so happeh I got it as my 1st DC Comic~!!!! <3
Joker's so akjsdkgfjhakjghkdgh-ing awesome. Effing insane, but awesome. I've always thought clowns were creepy, so when I was a kid I didn't like the Joker; but after reading his back story and seeing his personality; I was like fudge it. Joker's not a clown anyway

Artemis Fowl was a series I've been supporting since the 4th book's release. The cover of the 1st book as pretty and it had a label of Disney on it. I was still sorta young and I loved Disney, and so I bought it. Turns out it had some pretty deep words in it; I couldn't understand i at all P But I reread it last year and turns out I missed out soon what the real story was. xDDD I used to read only the part where the word 'fairy' comes in.....xDDD.....
aklsjkljgjadjg excuse me and my fangirliness.

I'm not much of an Air Gear fan, but I love Agito! XDD Split personalitlies amuse meh. And the cover of the volume I bought is AWESOME. It's a black-ish dark grey man with a furry outfit and white plus the skull earphones look really epic compared to ear comfort...with a
That's... broken....
because of...
too much...
fangirling over....KAT-TUN concerts.....
at...full volume...
The A SERIES OF UNFORTUNATE EVENTS was my favorite movie. I was in the 4th grade when I first watched it. So I read the books. But it's only now I get to read the last book. (Arghhh I'm so behind in doing lots of stuff; haven't even watched the AVENGERS, THE HUNGER GAMES, THE RISE OF THE DARK KNIGHT, and every one of those highly praised and anticipated movies....Yes, I know; I need to go watch them...but....ahhh)

#9 = Being active again in DeviantArt

I haven't used my DA account since somewhere earlier this year or late last year. But since I was watching lots of people I asked my cousin to remove them every now and then. And since she and I have pretty much the same taste in art, I also asked her to favorite posts she finds SUPER AWESOME. Not just AWESOME, but SUPER AWESOME.
Thank you so much for your time, cousin  <3333 And your selection is INSANELY AWESOME. <3

I started posting again this September, because there's lots of events in September I've been hoping to post about. :3

#8 = Watched Takumi-kun 1-5

That same cousin also showed me Takumi-kun movies 1-5 DVDs...And she even made a hand-written english translation!! (She knows Japanese) She's so hard-working :') Compared to me; who's too lazy to notice the glue I'm looking for is already in my hand.
I loved the 4th and the 3rd movie
Gii was being a piss-off in the 3rd movie. >:( I felt so sorry for Takumi and I was touched when his friends were worried about him and rescued him from some 1st years who were bullying him. The ending was great :') And I forgave Gii...somewhat. ONly because of takumi though.

Movie 4 had the most cutest and dramatic story between Shingyouji and Misu; Gii and takumi's closest friends! akfhkajsdhgajdhgl I LUV IT! <333333 It has one of my favorite styles of pairings in it: a tough, impassive, independent, rather possesive guy with a shy, puppy-like, caring and loyal boyfriend <333

#7 = My Best Friend's Birthday

I have a best friend who lives in Canada now. She moved there 4 years ago. September 7th was her 16th birthday, and the week before I made her a drawing <33333 I was soooo happy she liked it!!
She hasn't visited since 2 years ago :((( But I guess travelling isn't exactly somthing done so easily...
My coloring is terrible, so I decided not to upload the colored one...>:3

#6 =  Prince of Tennis movie 2011- SUBBED

I watched the movie earlier this year, and IT. WAS. BEYOND. AKSJFKDJAHGKG.
Prince of Tennis was my 2nd anime obsession in my life and I loved it for 3 straight years. My love for it came back earlier this year when I saw the movie and knew about the New Prince of Tennis becoming an anime! <3333
Doesn't the feeling of a manga becoming an anime feel so good? <3 It's like F yes; time to see some awesomeness turn into animation! or something.
I knew the general idea of the story, but I couldn't catch some words because I don't know much Japanese, so I'm realllllyy happy there are translations put out this month!!!!!! <3333333 (the movie)
The animation and colors have really improved since the series <3333

#5 = Uncle's 70th Birthday and reunions with mother's side family

Last Sunday was my Uncle's 70th birthday and my family and I went to their rural home <3333 It was soooo much fun because I met up with the cousins on my mother's side. I'm closest with my cousins from mom's side. <333
And we supplied the b-day cake too!! It had a nipa hut on it and also a carabao xDDD Because they lived in rural area and they do some farming. My Uncle is awesome at building things and is very resourceful <3 So is my Aunt, his wife. She's got a balanced strictness and kindness and she's so multi-talented <333 Not when it comes to computers or anything. She's more on the 'by hand' or manual type of person <3 They're both amazing people!! <33

#4 = Playing Visual Novels

I re-played some visual novels I played last year. I relived in their AWESOMENESS. Here's a TOP 4 of the 4 free favorite visual novels so far. They're free and downloadable on the internet, so if you are interested I hope you could give them a try! <3

~4: RE Alistair ++ Picture here

The plot is more like a shoujo comedy. There's not much drama in it; that comes usually near end. There's a bonus option in the menu which you can see once you've unlocked all endings.
Overall, it's a pretty easy game to play; so long as you have a target. Make sure to pick a certain person to go after then analyze all the things he might like and work on it from there. If you buy items from the stores in the game there're possibilities of increasing your stats with a certain person depending on what item you bought.
It would be ok if you balance it out (By that I mean you don't go after anyone and you just randomly click around with no series of pattern) ; that's what I did at first; but I got confused so maybe you wouldn't want to try that. I ended up with no one :'(
The routes all have their cute points, but the order I recommend for the routes you take is : Travis --> Derek --> Shiro

Summary and Download

~3: (P)lanets the life of normalcy has ended Picture here
What stood out to me was how strong each routes are. If you play one route it seems like it's OVER already, and the way it ended and progressed was so wonderful and I'd fell guilty to take on other routes :'( That's just me, though.
The story is unique but the characters quite common, but the drama in it is surprising and touching as well. :) I think you'll grow to love the characters if your first impressions weren't all great.
 The order of recommendation: Haru --> Ryuu --> Kaius --> Lucan
The art is fine and satisfactory; and the CG's as well. Maybe they're a bit too confusing at times though, sometimes I don't understand what's happening because sometimes it explains in words and not in pictures. But I'm sure the game was given plenty of time and patience to make, because there were many events where there was more than just a simple picture. Everything was laid out and timed very beautifully <33 And I'm sure the linking stories weren't easy to do either.

Summary and download

~2 Frozen Essenc Picture here
Art is not alway up to a pro level, but it can be very cute and shoujo-y at times :) But the main point of this game is the plot.

It's where you have to play all routes to fully understand the concept and idea of the entire story. But each route is so drama-filled and unique. In fact, I think it's the very deifiniton of unique.
There are literally TONS of decisions to make which will affect what ending you will get. I think it's best you decide which character you'll go for and pick your choices thinking of getting his ending. Otherwise you'd end up pretty much lost and frustrated.
I have no recommended order of routes  since I haven't finished it either :(
By the way, I love the characters. They're common but the same time unique. You can't really tell what they'r going to be like; and what they'll reveal as their real selves will depend on your coicse.
The main character's not so bad herself. :) <3
I'm SURE the creator took LOTS and LOTS of time to make this wonderful, drama-filled story. <3333333
But, honestly, this is one of the MOST AMAZING V.N's out there.

Summary and Overview

~1 don't take it personally, babe, it just ain't your stor Picture here
It's like VN that depicts the modern life in some schools nowadays. The character art is realllyyyyy cute but the CG's sorta change into something less pro, but nonetheless understandable.
There are many decisions as well here, but not as much as Frozen Essence. The story goes by chapters. Backgrounds are EXTREMELY amazing and professional <3 Breath-taking.
Warnings of mature content though; if you happen to take the route I had. And you shouldn't play it if you're homophobic and stuff.

This VN is amazing. That's really all I can say. It's hard to find the right words for it. I made some walkthroughs. If anyone's interested, PM me :)
Summary and Downloa

#3 = Boys on the Run finale!

I pay attention to the storyline too!! Just...keep repeating Ueda's scene in particular over and...over...than the other....scenes...

The latest drama Ueda acts in is finally over!!!! I'm sad because his character's background story wasn't given much screen time or attention, but I really loved his appearances every time <333
The latest drama Ueda acts in is finally over!!!! I'm sad because his character's background story wasn't given much screen time or attention (since he's a minor character, I guess), but I'm happy they out a somewhat happy ending for him :DDDDDD

But, just saying i his character's back story was a main plot; I think that would make a HUGE hit. It's about a rebellious yet innocent and confused teen who just wants to rid the world of the selfish murderers, smugglers and all those greedy people after all. If thought out well; the story would attract the many readers who may share the same thoughts.
Plus with such a cute and sexy actor, who wouldn't watch it?
uhmmm...excuse me.
Uepi's acting is great!!!!. His acting was really that of a bad guy. I got so pissed at his character (but not you, Uepi!!!) at this one episode when he could've saved one of the leading characters from being raped or something; and I despise rape; but he didn't do anything and he was the one who brought her there in the first. Then he LAUGHS as she was held down.
So evil....
Congratulations on finishing, BOYS ON THE RUN STAFF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <3333

#2 = Kame's stage play and Maru's 29th birthday!!!

Kame had once again starred in Johnny's original stage play "Dream Boys". It has gone on since Sept. 3rd and ended yesterday, I believe. He must've been very busy because he even has the Bem movie filming in between. But his and the others performances were astounding!!! <33333333333333 I was seriously fangirling at the news clips that my brother got weirded out and slowllllyyyy moved away from me<3 XD

askjhfkjshdg Kame I am loving you so much more!! <3

BELATED HAPPY B-DAY MARU!!!!!!!!!!!! <333333  I wish you all the best and may the days before you be the best there is!!
His b-day was last Sept. 4!!!!!! :)
And I made fanart a week before the events happened :) I plan on coloring them soon...hopefully...oh please time let me color it...
And I pray for Nakamaru's dog, Mister. He died last Sept. 24.
Everytime Nakamaru talks about his dogs; he goes into a completely diffrerent caring and loving and perhaps maybe eve mo side that you hardly ever see from the usually unexpressive man. When he brought them for a filming in Shuichi, you could totally tell he loved and cared fro them like family; like real people. And Mister was a cute doggie....
I really hope Maru is doing OK :(
I heard he went to watch Kame's Dream Boys the day after I think; then he says he felt better after the show and talking with Kame. They're such sweet guys <33333
And I made a mistake in the drawing....I wrote 08(August) when it's supposed to be 09 (September)....>.>

EDIT I completely forgot to add the release of Fumetsu no Scrum last Sept.12!! I'm so sorrrrrrrrrrrrrrryyy! But rest assured I went into complete fan girl mode and went on and on about how awesome it was for weeks to my brother until he MEMORIZED the song lyrics. Thanks for not getting angry, brother! <3

#1 = I found out about PewDiePie!!!!!!

I AM A BRO!!!!!!!!!!!! >:))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Or Bro-ette :P Sis. And a Marzipan. Hohoho.
I found out about PewDiePie when he posted his video last Sept. 13 (I think) about finishing Slender mansion.
Actually I knew about him last year; but I remember it was midnight and I was rushing to sleep and I found his one video that made me laugh so hard but I fell asleep and forgot about him the next day TT_TT I regret not checking my history that time.
aoidhfkajhsghag and everyday I play his videos and I cheer up every time!!!!!!!!!!! So far, I watched his Amnesia game plays, his Happy Wheels game play and his Slender fails :)))

You so awesome Pewds.
I'm so happy I discovered PewDiePie :')
Brofist :)

Well; thanks for reading by if you did! :)

kat-tun, report, drawing

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