The hell happened over in Latimir? Ran over... half the thing is gone. Damn this storm... it ain't good. Everyone there got a new place to stay? Marshall has a few places open ta live if ya dun.
Also these pipes... old things... someone needs ta fix them as soon as possible. Lots of crackin' goin' on. Bit worried ta even touch 'em.
If anyone's lookin' for Phoenix, Trucy, or Vera, they've moved in with me. Their place is completely wrecked, couldn't jus' leave 'em out there.
Stay warm, people... we gotta out last the storm.
((OOC; This happened awhile after
this. Permission from all three muns (Phoenix-mun, Trucy-mun, and Vera-mun) to do this. Leaving for work shortly, so BACKTAGGING 8|))