This past weekend

May 01, 2006 23:33

So lately things have been... well... stressful, to say the least. Since Easter weekend, things haven't been great. Between school and other things I've been a little on edge but after 10am on Tuesday, May 9th! that will change. I will be officially finished with my junior year and I can also order my ring!!!

Sad note... I think I've officially made my first C in college. And it's in a stinkin' lab that I can quite possibly make an A in lecture. Somehow that just doesn't make sense. And it's not that I didn't study for the lab, I did, more than I've studied for any other class. I have the flash cards for proof. I told my prof tonight that if I really do make a C in his class, I'll cry. He told me that it's probably a good thing he's leaving the country a day after he turns in his grades... because that isn't reassuring...

So this past weekend was interesting. Friday night Beth and I hung out, ate at Chili's, packed her room, went to a party and kinda of relaxed... sorta... Then Saturday, we moved her and then I helped Michael move until like 4am... needless to say, I can hardly move today so it made it interesting when Laura and I went collecting this afternoon. And on Sunday I should have done more studying, but I didn't, and for dinner Michael and I went to Mario's... We had a really good time, and we ended up being "that table" with just the two of us. We fought over lemons and then food, and he started it (don't listen to him when he says I did, we all know he starts stuff more than me). It started when he knocked the lemon into my water and then I took it out and put in it his coke. So after that he kept trying to squeeze the lemon into my water. I created this contraption with my napkin to where he couldn't and he ended up just wiping it all on my hand instead. And then somehow (I don't remember how it led up to this next part but) he reached for my glass of water and I didn't let go so he ended up spilling the rest of my water in my lap, and so I was freezing (I had already been cold before because I was right under the ac vent). He was sweet, went and got my jacket for me, but then still proceeded to wipe the pizza sauce on my hand and so on until we left. We had a great time which is something both of us needed. We haven't been crazy like that together in a while, and it was good to be back to normal. There was lots of laughing and joking. I loved it, even if I was all cold and wet (and not in the dirty way).

For the rest of the semester I have:
Ochem lab final Tuesday
Insect collection due Wednesday
OChem and Urban finals on Friday
Crim and 301 finals Monday
Genetics Final Tuesday
Move out of apartment Wednesday
Somewhere in there I need to sleep.
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