
Dec 03, 2009 17:13

[Usopp. Is. Bored. Bored and ignoring quite clearly the fact that someone NEEDS to go get food, like YESTERDAY. Maybe he'll get hungry enough to go later but yeah. Right now it's a chore and chores are JUST as boring as doing nothing. He'll be wandering around without direction for the majority of the day because nobody is at home FOR THE LOVE OF GOD WHERE ARE THEY. You may find him at various times of day in various places.]

[Later on he HARK will remember that he hasn't heard from Brook in a while and, well, even with a guy whose entire world is all sandy and deadish, deserts are dangerous places. This is not an appealing thought.]

Oi, Brook, how are things going out there? [fffff not about to ask if he's alive or not.]

nami, *action, yes vash he did just open his head, brook, *voice, luffy, bandaids are kickass

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