
Jun 04, 2009 15:09

So this is where we are getting married!

this is the other side if you look behind you! It looks over all of Anchorage, the Cook Inlet, and Sleeping Lady. Pretty damn cool!

I just pray it doesn't rain! :p

Other than that, things are going well! We went out yesterday to run some errands and have dinner with Dan's coworker and his wife at Moose's Tooth (fucking awesome pizza). Really cool people!

As for now I've just been keeping up with school work and I'm actually AHEAD a couple of weeks! Last semester was a success with the grade either being a B+,A-, or A. Awesome. 7 classes done in a few months!!

It'll be nice when I'm done. It'll be nice to have 1 job doing something I enjoy doing rather than mind-numbing temp and part-time jobs I could care less for. Though I know tons of shit, I never accquired the jobs I wanted because I never had that piece of paper than said I could.

I'm excited. Finishing school is going to be pretty awesome. I'm glad I was able to do it. ALL ON MY OWN. How many people can say that?

That's it! pfft.
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