Convo with ramses

Jun 10, 2005 00:11

loloakalolo: wow
sniperdude314: i got kicked out! argh!
sniperdude314: wow
sniperdude314: yeah
loloakalolo: lol
loloakalolo: ur freakin me out
sniperdude314: yes.! ha. tomorrow! i strike! huh? what? what do u want?
sniperdude314: how?
loloakalolo: wtf
sniperdude314: watch that filthy mouth! or ull get urs!
loloakalolo: ...
loloakalolo: ....
loloakalolo: .....
sniperdude314: what!?!?! man, you're freaky!
loloakalolo: ......
loloakalolo: .......
loloakalolo: .......
loloakalolo: ..........
loloakalolo: ..........
loloakalolo: ...........
sniperdude314: huh? wow, ur crazy and stuff you!
loloakalolo: ............
loloakalolo: .............
loloakalolo: i won
sniperdude314: yeah, kul.
sniperdude314: nvm
loloakalolo: ....ok
loloakalolo: so
loloakalolo: and
loloakalolo: ur point
sniperdude314: stuff you ill teach you to learn!
sniperdude314: when the rose turns blood red!
loloakalolo: leave me a message... im temporarily out of my mind
loloakalolo: .... leave a meaasge after the fuck u
loloakalolo: fuck u
sniperdude314: ha! ive been today at the yes cause he said me and go to the place when green chickens fly like year pigs
sniperdude314: you got that! you have to pass it on or you're meat will turn inside out in your body!
loloakalolo: i think not u fool me like other fooled by thee works out.. u be not the graet the man but thee is but a fool
loloakalolo: try that one
loloakalolo: F*** U
sniperdude314: oh no. shakespeare is from the devil. he once talked to me. and told me to cut all the kitties' heads off, so i did. and then i got in trouble, and he laughed. so i put a curse on his undead self
sniperdude314: ha
sniperdude314: he wont bother me again!
sniperdude314: are you waiting? if you wait you eyes will bleed! dont wait!
sniperdude314: no! common ramses, you can do it!
loloakalolo: well william penn arose from the dead and told me to tell theer that it was not but a joke but a worthy scripture from which the truth derives... follow not but the words but the conglomeration of phrases... thee who is one is also it thee... ponder deeply and those queries shal subside
sniperdude314: tell william penn that if he waits in bleed, he'll fill the hate build up in him, and the fire horse will take him through the gates of hell. along wiht shakespeare. will you be next?
sniperdude314: dont let it be you
loloakalolo: u shall type till thy fingers fall. type too much and thy hatred shal becom glory... u dont want that do u ???? ... keep feeding the fire then
loloakalolo: feed the fire
loloakalolo: common
loloakalolo: feed it
loloakalolo: but dont get engulfed for things are awaiting
loloakalolo: or jump in and see
sniperdude314: speaking of finger falling. i was walking and then the guy next to me pissed me off, and then his finger fell. then i looked and i had them in my hand, along with a razor. so i freaked and killed the guy. now i dont know what to do with the body. i guess i shall burn it! should i burn you?
loloakalolo: so he who types awaits glory
loloakalolo: well is it possible to burn fire
loloakalolo: or is it
sniperdude314: well, i have burned everything. but when fire fights fire, all hell breaks lose. ramses, dont let hell break lose please, im scared. i dont wanna blank you and wake up with ppls tongues next to me.
loloakalolo: thos who see are blind.. those who kill are dead.. thos who ae dead are scared.. the wrath is comming.
loloakalolo: ... aha so it has a weakness....
sniperdude314: man, is that true. i always stab myself at night, so im dead. but then i kill. my wrath is out. ramses, can you help me? i dont wanna kill anymore. please. or do i?
loloakalolo: el sol less va a quemar... no vayas a jugar con lo que no puedes controlar... the vas a joder
sniperdude314: well, one time, i was cutting my throat in front of a mirror, to see my own hate, and my eyes turned to sun hot fire. i couldnt control it. i loved it and begged for more, so i kept cutting! more!
loloakalolo: those pften in a state of bliss have no road by which that destination was concieved.... look and see if thee has a path to the dark... those who fell in the dark know why they fell and how... ponder.. ponder
sniperdude314: well, sometimes the dark calls my name. and i say no, but then they threaten to burn me for the rest of my life. so i answer to them. then i do stuff that i shouldnt do
loloakalolo: once apon a flower was a little man ... he jumped and landed on his friend ... he reveled in his misery... what has he now... life... i can see that is what william penn wants for thee but thee is scared
loloakalolo: life
loloakalolo: life
loloakalolo: life
loloakalolo: ... hummmm
loloakalolo: ponder....
loloakalolo: ?
sniperdude314: william penn is too late. all hell broke lose. his head will fall during prayer. his dead spirit wont be able to safe ur defenceless spirit. sorry. its ur time. dont refuse the call ramses. dont do it. please. you cant be safed anymore
loloakalolo: is thee crying.. or is thee leaking the fuel that widdles his actions..
loloakalolo: sorry but the saved cant retrogress... spirit thee is to harsh for my bliss
sniperdude314: sometimes, dont tell anyone, i cry blood. i have pleasure from my blood. i fornicate in the blood.
loloakalolo: fornication in the midst of grey is nothing but unmerrited pleasure... but thta too will end
loloakalolo: i exempt myself from those who will deny that bliss is around the corner but help the potential.. if they are inclined to seek help
sniperdude314: when i fornicate in the blood, my lover howls like a wolf. as i cut her from her leg to her vagina, cuting it open as she bites my tongues, ripping it off. and i ask for more,as she begs for more!
loloakalolo: ........humm...... ...... .... .... .... .... ... .... ...
loloakalolo: who thee can help
loloakalolo: one but thee. but thee isnt thee for it will haunt u
sniperdude314: ive been haunted. now its up to me to haunt. my inner self doesnt enjoy it, but they outter demon feeds from it
loloakalolo: blood is thick...water is what blood is compared to.. but who is in greater cuantities.. purness or evil...???
sniperdude314: so yeah, are you done? lol. where do you come up with this crap. lol.
loloakalolo: who?
sniperdude314: cause it makes no sence lol
loloakalolo: me
sniperdude314: yeah
sniperdude314: lol
loloakalolo: r u done
sniperdude314: but its pretty good
sniperdude314: ur good
loloakalolo: i refuse to reveal my sources
loloakalolo: lol
sniperdude314: lol. nice.
loloakalolo: i know
loloakalolo: o try
loloakalolo: *i
sniperdude314: i can tell.
loloakalolo: i know
sniperdude314: who is william penn?
loloakalolo: i gave u a run for ur money didnt i
loloakalolo: now way
loloakalolo: he the person who pennsilvania was named afer
loloakalolo: duh
sniperdude314: ur good, but i can go on. but it got tired. and bored. lol.
loloakalolo: i know but i wasnt gonna give up
loloakalolo: cuz ur one crazy mother fucker
sniperdude314: lol. good, thats a good quality.
loloakalolo: no lie
sniperdude314: no im not. how?
loloakalolo: i was pissing my pants
loloakalolo: ha
sniperdude314: seriously? y?
loloakalolo: ur funny
loloakalolo: but w/e
sniperdude314: lol. i was just letting my inner me speak out. my billy.
loloakalolo: who in the world comes up with ur shit
loloakalolo: cuz it was good
sniperdude314: i do. well, billy
loloakalolo: lol
loloakalolo: wow
loloakalolo: lol
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