April Fools

Apr 02, 2008 02:03

Just occurred to me that I haven't updated this thing since before we went over to NYC. It was great, bein' able to go home n'see some old friends. I dragged everybody to a strip joint I knew of and got Kyon and Yuu lapdances. I swear Yuu's eyes bugged out of his head at the very idea of a chick in his lap, though I saw him at the airport with that redheaded dude when we got home. (Dunno how I remember, I spent most of the flight drunk or asleep. *chuckle*)

Oh God, I think I'm going to cry. I've been laughin' so hard all day, it's been total madness at work cuz of April Fools. The new guy, or, not so new but recently returned, seems to be a trickster behind his silence. He an' Reno have been up to no good all day.

I think the best part was when I heard Yuu cursin' his head off about somethin' or another. I think it was the cayenne pepper in his soba. *snicker* He nearly turned purple. He eats that kryptonite green wasabi stuff though. Dunno what the big deal is...
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