Title: Goodbye (Maybe)
Rating: pg
Pairing: Ian/CHarlie
Summary: You're the only one who'd care if I was gone, out of LA or out of time.
Warnings: ANgst
A.N.: Inspired by the song Leave out all the rest by Linkin Park. For extra sad, you should listen to the song as you read.
You're the only one who'd care if I was gone, out of LA or out of time.
My parents are dead, I'm an only child and I have no real friends. You would protest and say that your brother and his team are my friends but you'd be wrong. We have a relationship built on resect but they expect me to slip up and kill an innocent for real some day.
That's why Don was so against our relationship, he thinks it'll be you. He doesn't know I'd kill myself before I'd ever raise a hand to you.
You think I'm so strong but I'm not. I have to force myself to wake up and face the day when I'm on a hunt, my entire motivation is getting back home to you. I had no reason before you. sure it was nice getting the praise but before I just caught or killed them as quickly as I could to keep from staying in any place long enough to remind myself what I didn't have.
What I thought I'd never have.
Charlie... You have to promise me, no matter what may happen, what you may find out about me; promise me you'll only remember the good when I'm gone.
Don't be sad; I'm not going anywhere if I can help it.
Love Ian.
Ian listens to Charlie's steady breathing and sighs in regret. He knows he should have told Charlie about this hunt, left something more than a note but he's a coward and he's not sure he could do this one if Charlie was awake.
He leans over and kisses Charlie, just a chaste brush of lips.
Charlie smile and mumbles "Ian..."
He turns away and grabs his bag. He doesn't look back as he drives away.
He's superstitious enough to not take the chance that saying goodbye will take him away forever.