Mar 17, 2011 15:47
Going down life's path dose anyone ever really glimps what is in store for us. seems alot of times we are so bussy complaining or looking back? things that seems insurmountable a few years back now seem pointless. its funny how your view on life changes. a few months or a few years and things that were all inportant now all but forgotten.
Its been a few years sense i have been here on this site or even re-read what i have wrote. today looking at it and seeing some of my more forgotten thoughts and words make me really relize how much life can change a person even in a few years. gone is the girl who was so far in darkness light never reached her heart. gone is the girl scared of her own thoughts. almost forgotten is the girl who wrote the first post on this site. its kindof funny though with all i have either forgoten or pushed from my mind. a few things i still seem to look back often on even now. Mostly those few poeple who touched my life in unforgetable ways. people all but lost to the wisper of time. i still wonder where they ended up and who they have become. I suppose though that some questions are never answered. I believe though if i could run across a few (one more than the others) that i would want to ask them how life has been for them what wierd or interesting direction the path of life has led them on. Friends i lost through my own stupid actions or through space of time and distance. I wounder were they have ended up at; and who they have become. I wounder often if they have become happy, hope they have built a life they love who they have met. sitting here throughts race through my brain on the people i use to know beter than my self that time has drawn us so far apart and wonder how they are.
ok enough of that rambling on.... as I said its been a few years sience my last post. a short update. as most youth do i have lived and made mistakes and successes. will skip the mistakes the only thing i mention is that because of them i have grown and blosmed. its true what they say you do learn from mistakes and life is the hardest teacher you will ever have. My regrets are a few. my biggest is i didn't spend more time developing a relationship with my dad. he is now passed on (i miss him). but on to the good news. i have had some successful things. I went back to school and ended up graduating with top grades (but bad attenance).. I now have a job that i actually love. really truelly. I am working with computers and networks now. I am part of a IT team and looving it. never thought 1 and 0 would actually be a part of my life but they are. I have a family of cats 4 of them. they delight and inspire and frustate me on a dayly basis; and i love them all the more.
It crazy how much has changed in life but in some ways the same. i am still a book worm and try to read all the time. i still love playing video games (badly) but now i also read about c++ langue and about AD and enjoy working on fixing pcs. (things i had no idea on before). i smile a lot and live each moment to the fullest. i learned to love life and its curves. to enjoy to smile and to be happy.
there are lessons still to learn and more moments to enjoy these i look forward to.