HMD + OOC Contact Post

Nov 19, 2021 01:46

Have something to say about the way I play Maylene? Say it here! I'm open to any suggestions and I promise I won't bite if you do give any crit! If you notice something wrong, please don't hesitate to mention it! All I ask is that you try not to give me any flames and be intelligent about your crit. All comments are screened.

Also, if you want to plot anything this would be the place to do it. I'm pretty bad with signing on to AIM so I wouldn't count on being able to do it there. There are some occasions where I'll sign on if asked though, so it doesn't hurt to try and get me to sign on like that :)

Player: Raisa
AIM: lilrockergirl474
Plurk: fistsraisedhigh
PMing me on here is also a good way to get in touch with me

hmd, contact, !ooc

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