
Jul 06, 2009 20:58

This is my first post about my writing process. And I have decided to make it public. I don't know why. Anyway, here goes.

Up until now I haven't really posted anything about the fact that I write. Other than my old fanfiction link that is now removed. I think it is because I suffer from a whole lot of insecurities and I don't like to let people in too easily. But someone said that you have to be a writer to be a writer, so tell people that you are a writer. Okay. My name is Jennifer Quinones and I'm a writer.

That's actually a little scary. Do you remember the first time you told someone you were a writer? Not that you wanted to write. But that you were a writer?

Anyway (I'm working on not using that word as much, I swear), I have been working on my first novel for a while now. Mostly just planning and stuff like that. And then I started writing page one. I had to write it out by hand because I didn't have a computer and it's been a little slow going. I'm only on page 59. And that is of hand written, lined notebook paper. Now that I have a computer I have started transferring it all to typed pages, but now I have this annoying block. And the stupid internet keeps distracting me. It's really pathetic.

But I am a little proud of myself. 59 hand written pages is more than I have ever done on ANY other project. I always start things and then I think of something new and start that and so on. But this time when I have an idea I just write it down in a separate notebook and continue with what I am on.

I have also never been as passionate about any other project. And obviously that is the key. I truly love my story and my characters. I mean, I loved my other ideas too, otherwise I would have trashed them from the beginning. But this story has stuck with me for so long. I had actually started writing it before (it was going in a different direction then) and my computer died before I had a chance to print a hard copy or even back it up. This idea and story has stayed with me even when I as suffering from horrible depression and didn't even want to THINK about writing. It was always in the back of my mind, nudging me to let it out.

I really feel like, if I just finish it, even if it isn't good, I'll have finished SOMETHING and it will be easier to finish other things.

The thing that really scares me though, is what if I'm not a good enough writer to tell this story? What if I should get someone with a lot more talent to do it justice. I love this story so much that I don't want to be the one to write it if I won't do it to it's full potential. I just want this story out there, I think it needs to be told.

Can I do it? What if I can't? That is such a scary thought, because I really really want to be the person to write this story. I just hope I'm good enough.

rl, writing

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