Tweets - DO YOU KNOW?

Feb 26, 2009 20:01

  • 00:48 @ r3dux It looks like you have two accounts, one is suspended but the other is not (email is not, open_id is) #
  • 00:55 @ RadioWayne I see posts going out to your tumblr email address. I'll open a tumblr and try to reproduce, I think I know what's going on #
  • 00:56 @ r3dux no, you have *two* accounts, log in with c***i**** #
  • 15:00 tumblr users, hopefully I've fixed shipping by email by changing a bit the format of the email #
  • 15:12 @ hillarygayle @metasilk @kaholli @amezri @allconsoffun etc I have another email overload issue, I'll fix asap. need to change my system:( #
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