elly higginbottom writes a story

May 05, 2006 12:11

i didn't know that my picture was going to be taken when i woke up this morning but somehow i knew to put on one of my two best outfits. both of my best outfits have flower prints on them. the other one is a dress. both of my best outfits make me look good. my mom lets me wear my shiny black shoes with the ribbons when i wear my best outfits. and dress socks. nothing could be fancier than white dress socks folded over my ankles with lace trim going all the way around.

i didn't know that my picture was going to be taken when i woke up this morning, but i felt it. i knew i had to look good today.

they called me out of class and mrs. koetzner, the librarian was smiling at me. i knew something good was about to happen. she told me that the essay i submitted for the world is an open book essay contest had won. it was about a boy who goes to the library and browses the shelves. he opens one book and a giraffe flies out at him. he opens another book and someone yells at him to get out of there. something crazy happens with every book, but it is all really in his imagination. i wrote it at the kitchen table on tablet paper with two inch line spaces and dashes inbetween.

i'm only in first grade.

that means i beat the second graders!

and for the first time, i am a recognized writer.

writers get crowns and photo shoots. when mrs. koetzner said smile, all i could think was, thank god i'm wearing my flowered pants!
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