Today's Thunk

Jun 16, 2010 08:09

Before I launch into it, let me assure you that I am under no illusion that I really 'get' any of this, because I have a) not been in the outside work force for quite some time b) I have a typically "fuzzy" background in terms of degrees and career choices, and c) what was C.  Anyway, more coffee.

Reading this article, and many others like it, I have this overarching thought, which is: isn't the REAL problem the devaluation of the career/life choices that women may or may not make, regardless of all these other facts or opinions?  I do feel that I can speak to this element, referencing b) above there, because I've had many an eye roll or glazed look at a party when it's my turn to tell what I do/study/am on a daily basis.

"Oh, you're a teacher.  How nice" (read: how cute, and how thoroughly pointless)
"Oh, you're a stay at home mom.  Must be NICE" (yes, because I really do sit on my ass all day eating bonbons.  Well, maybe the bonbons part, but it's on the run)
"Oh, you're in graduate school for library science?  Why do they call it a science?  It's not a science" (In fact said to me by this bitchy employee of Gene's at a Christmas party a few years ago.  I took the high road and said something like ' that's an interesting point'.  Truthfully, I think it could be argued as a science in terms of the way it's organized and taught and expected to be disseminated, but anyway - that's another post).
"Oh, you're going to be a librarian.  Why do you need to go to school for that?" (Because it's HARD TO SHELVE BOOKS, PEOPLE. Assclams)

Anyway, you get my point.  I'm not suggesting that women who choose paths that are more traditionally 'male-oriented' don't have a hell of a time, because they do.  I just think we'd get a lot farther a lot faster if we took a different approach to appreciating all the labor and effort everyone does, as human beings, rather than as "cool" choices and "easy" choices.  Or fill in the comparative wording of choice.

And now, to more coffee. 
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