I am finally getting around to reading
Henry Fielding's "The History of Tom Jones: A Foundling", and in passing, I should also point out that I do have some final work due in a week's time for my summer school class, so perhaps diving into an
Augustan novel is not the best diversionary tactic, but then again, perhaps it is. Hard to say. At any rate, this is a very funny book, even a bare minimum of pages in (and yes, I'm aware of the fact that I'm starting to write like it, bear with me), but it did cause this question to crop up in my mind: out of the following options, which would you rather be?
"...impudent slut, a wanton hussy, an audacious harlot, a wicked jade, a vile strumpet..."
As much as I quite like the notion of being an audacious harlot, I think I shall have to cast my vote for a wicked jade.
UPDATE: The nascent librarian in me couldn't rest without giving the interblegs a good shakedown, and given the
apparent accepted origins of the derogatory term 'jade' for a woman, I think I will have to shift my allegiance to "audacious harlot". But I'd still like to be wicked, please.