
Apr 16, 2006 19:43

     It turned into the typical easter antics at my aunts house.  Every year something happens over at that house.  I get bothered by the fact that a family cant just get together and have a fun time.  I think thats y i cant wait to have a family of my own.  I think family is the most important thing to have in life and thats including friends.  Being over there with them just gets me depressed.  All they do is talk about each other behind there backs.  And then my aunt throws a hissy fit when someone sits in her chair at the dinner table.    Can someone ask me where the maturity went in my family??  I was invited to keiths house with his family over.  I had to decline since i had to go to my aunts house. I could have tried that whole going to both  houses, but its made tough when its almost an hour and a half drive to go to the other house.   And well since my family dosent know about him it makes things a little tougher.  He ended up having to work anyways so it wasnt a huge deal.  But of course to me it was cause i like to spend time with people i care about and care about me.  This whole not telling my mother about our relationship is starting to take a toll on me.  But what can I really do when she acts the way she does.  I've never felt so strongly about anyone as i do for him and its starting to scare me.  I went in this relationship trying to have control of my feelings and somewhere along the way lost it.  Im starting to fall in love with him.  Speaking those words though seem like such a hard thing.  And thats something that i havent admitted to anyone yet not even him.  Im not used to people showing so much affection for me and complimenting me all the time.  He would do anything for me and it upsets me cause i fear of losing that.
     On top of everything else i feel really bad for my brother who live in Chicago and has no one to spend the holiday with at all.  He did have plans, but got stood up.  And with him not having a car it makes things 10 times harder on him.  I hope things out there for him start to get a bit better.  Yea he loves the fact that he is going into the medical field, but having no family around and no gf when mostly everyone u kno does makes things tough.  I decided today even though i dont have that much money im going to try and save up to go visit him.  The last time I saw him was for christmas and then i wont get to see him til next christmas if i dont go out there.  On top of that im hoping to be able to go away somewhere with my best friend summer.  I havent been on a real vacation in over 10 years and this year is all about me going out and doing things i havent done before.  Anyways I hope everyone is having a great Easter.
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