
Jan 13, 2006 02:24

The year 2006 seems to be starting off as an interesting one.......

As for my party all in all I think it went well. Besides the fact that I was exhausted by the time everyone came over from cleaning. And all the lil drama btwn people I just ignored. Im just moving on from that part in my life and refuse to let that stuff bother me anymore. I have learned I have some of the greatest friends!
The Day of my Birth or the day I refer to as "the day u had no choice but to come into this world" had a rough start. My mother was somewhat on my case for most of the morning, but then again when is she not? I spent most of the day just hanging out at home and getting to sleep in. At night my friend Steve took me out to celebrate. My first drink of legal age was just a Beer. Nothing to fancy just something simple and good. The bar we went to was the Red Door since it was Tuesday it was open mic night which just made the atmosphere that much better. I love just being able to sit back and watch people perform I guess u could say im eaisly amused. I didnt get myself trashed or anything for those who called me up and told me I better drunken dial them. I will be 21 yrs old all yr long so that can happen at any point in time that is if i ever get myself to drink that much. I really have to say a huge thank u to steve for the night I dont really think he knows how much i appreciated it. Him and I always have good in depth talks and hes not ur stereo typical guy which makes him an even better friend. In my short life I have only known guys to be complete jerks and so my outlook is def changing.
For tonight it marks a whole new start for me. I went out on a date with this guy keith. We spent way over 9 hours just talking to each other on top of going to the movies out to eat and getting coffee. Im not someone who has really dated alot. This was about the 5th time I have gone out with him and we kind of made things offcial tonight. So yes its finally true I have a bf, but I wont really say that much about it cuz I dont wanna jinx anything and im trying to take things slow. What I can say is that im happy and its a good change of pace. Im just hoping things will stay could for a bit now.
So im really excited about going to see Stomp Friday evening. I can already tell im going to enjoy it and have one more thing go great for 2006. Hope u all have a splendid evening :).
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