
Jun 04, 2015 21:52

Faberge miniature imperial chair, just over 2" tall. Made between 1899 and 1903.
Michael Evamplevitch Perchin, St. Petersburg

Miniature Faberge table in the Louis XVI Style
Mikhail Evlampievich Perkhin (1860-1903) 1903 Materials: Nephrite mounted with gold 7.4 x 7.1 x 5.8 cm
Presented to Queen Mary by Lord Revelstoke, Christmas 1921

Fabergé , Wigström, Henrik Immanuel
Saint Petersburg 1908-1917 Silver gilt, gold, enamel, pearls H. 3 1/2 in., Dia. 4 in.

Miniature Chair firm of Peter Carl Fabergé (Russian, 1846-1920)

This Fabergé miniature Louis XVI style table, 1903, one of two acquired by Queen Mary, shows Michael Perchin’s clever use of gold and enamel.

Faberge. Miniature piano in the Louis XVI Style, by Mikhail Evlampievich Perkhin (1860-1903) (workmaster), c. 1900
5.5 x 7.3 x 4.5 cm

Miniature Bidet, after 1903, firm of Peter Carl Fabergé, fabricated by Henrik Wigström, in gold, jade, enamel, pearls.

Fabergé miniature desk dating from 1896-1900, purchased by King George VI for Queen Elizabeth in 1946 [The Royal Collection

старинная мебель, изящные вещицы, антиквариат

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