But its foggier then...uh...I don't have an appropriate comparision to draw...but anyway it's foggy.
You know what's weird, it's foggy in all the other universes, what the fuck? I suppose this is one of those virus thingies.
Point of interest though! I'm fine? Go me! Although considering that thus far all I can see is that makes people not care about their actions and all, that's a valid reason why. I mean, I don't care about my actions normally most of the time so...heh, fail virus!
But people are concerned, and I suppose if everyone goes really insane and tries to kill me action may have to be taken. Kasumi seems to be OK though! :OD Which is good because, we need polite people out there, who cook nicely.
Oh, here's something of interest:
What will you have to write on the chalk board? Captain John Hart will have to write...
I will not keep hinting that I?m a robot sent back in time to change the future
Ha ha, I'm strangely amused by that! I'm not a robot, but hey I could very well be changing your future. ;O)
Here's another strangely accurate one!
What will the movie of your life be called?
I like it!
There is another thing about this virus that's giving me the shits...I can't travel...seriously. That's fucked.