I try not to vent on LJ. But I really just need to right now k? k.

Nov 17, 2005 15:37

So last night my mom and dad went out to dinner together. They do this at least once a week to touch basis and stuff. It usually always goes well and they have a fun time, no hard feelings. Last night however my mom decided to be a bitch for no apparent reason. Halfway through dinner she started accusing my dad of not loving her, always putting her last, not careing for her at all. My dad was in tears trying to convince her otherwise, that he would do anything for her and that her and the kids were the most important things in his life (obviously, hes given her everything shes wanted in the divorce, and attended to her every need suffing the whole time but apparently its not good enough). So my mom was making a big scene and crying really hard and shouting or whatever, she said she wanted to go home because she was hurting to much. My dad said he would take her anywhere she wanted if it would make her feel better. She asked to use his phone... and calls... mike. WHAT THE FUCK! She called her BOYFRIEND and had him come pick her up. WOW MOM GOOD JOB! My dad told her that he would do anything for her, but if she left with him right now then there would be a whole new set of problems. She left anyway.

My dad explained this to me when he got home, telling me what happend, still in tears. He also told me that my mom was saying that sydney and I feel the same way..... wow NOT! I really wish she would just leave us out of this. I didn't really say anything back to my dad, he said he knows im uncomfortable talking about the whole divorce thing with them he just wanted to tell me he was sorry if he was ever anything other than a good dad, and admited hes not perfect. He left the room and i cried some cause i hate seeing him like that.

This morning my mom comes in before work and wakes me up. After giving me random chores to do before work she asks me if I had talk to my father. I told her I had and he had told me what happend and she asked me what I though. Normally I shut them out and say that I dont think anything and it doesnt matter what I think cause it wont change anything. For some reaon this morning I felt that I had to tell her how I felt. So I did. I told her that I had lost respect for her. That of all the things she could have done in that situation she did the lowest by calling mike. I told her to stop bringing me and my sister into this because we can speak for ourselves when needed and she had no right to tell my dad how she THOUGHT we felt. She told me that i was probably right and she could have called a cab or something, but there was more going on than any of us knew. and left.

I sleep a little longer and then around 1:30 she calls me and informs me that if I am going to take my dads side that I can just move out. and hangs up.

I dont really have a conclusion to this. I just think my mom is a fucking baby and needs to grow up. k? k.
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