Nov 20, 2005 22:23
RightWingdAngel: sniggles!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
CenterofCoolness: what up
RightWingdAngel: hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
RightWingdAngel: how ater you!!!
RightWingdAngel: ???
CenterofCoolness: yay! drunk cassie time!
CenterofCoolness: im great
RightWingdAngel: nooooooooolnot me
RightWingdAngel: thats goooood
RightWingdAngel: bguess what
RightWingdAngel: i come home tomoeoew nigt!
RightWingdAngel: and i now u miss me soooo mch!
CenterofCoolness: i sure do
CenterofCoolness: you can come check out my hot new car
RightWingdAngel: yrah finealy!
RightWingdAngel: ooops, hows that hjappen?
CenterofCoolness: dont know
RightWingdAngel: hahaha
CenterofCoolness: hey cassie
CenterofCoolness: lemme ask you a question
RightWingdAngel: so yeah i should pribaly stop druining tsince i have to drive home in the moerning
RightWingdAngel: yeah
RightWingdAngel: what what
RightWingdAngel: oo oo ok
RightWingdAngel: i love this gaem
CenterofCoolness: whats the craziest thing you have done while you were drunk?
RightWingdAngel: nisggles!
RightWingdAngel: bastin asked me this same thing
RightWingdAngel: bad snigga
CenterofCoolness: really?
RightWingdAngel: haha yeah
RightWingdAngel: but i didnt tell him
RightWingdAngel: im so snealy
CenterofCoolness: then use a different example
RightWingdAngel: i dont do anything abd when dunk
RightWingdAngel: some poel like to tela em to aprties b/c they think ill strip and geyt naked with grils
RightWingdAngel: i mean make out and im like noooo, i dont do that
CenterofCoolness: those people are repulsive
RightWingdAngel: i knowaq1QQQ
CenterofCoolness: you should give them a piece of your mind
RightWingdAngel: not me
CenterofCoolness: what would you say to them?
RightWingdAngel: god it got big again
RightWingdAngel: hgahahaha thats what ui said last nigt
RightWingdAngel: to wbho
RightWingdAngel: ?
CenterofCoolness: to the people that try to manipulate you
RightWingdAngel: im congfused
RightWingdAngel: confused
RightWingdAngel: snigga
RightWingdAngel: foncsed!!!!
CenterofCoolness: ok nevermind
CenterofCoolness: new question
CenterofCoolness: what types of things do you look for in a guy?
CenterofCoolness: cuteness, intelligence, etc...?
RightWingdAngel: you lefy me!!!
RightWingdAngel: sniggles
RightWingdAngel: whersd you fo
RightWingdAngel: wow i muys be fone.... im wathcin g seinfuield
RightWingdAngel: eww
CenterofCoolness: im right here
RightWingdAngel: oh hmm thats a good one snigga
RightWingdAngel: cuteness
RightWingdAngel: definte;y
RightWingdAngel: i mean i dated THE tmoney right?!
CenterofCoolness: last time i checked
RightWingdAngel: i eman yeag
RightWingdAngel: cuteness
RightWingdAngel: and smart
RightWingdAngel: and someone repibslicv
RightWingdAngel: have to bit be liversl
CenterofCoolness: of course
RightWingdAngel: haha i dont tbhink u know what i jsuyr rtpwesd
RightWingdAngel: b/c i dont
CenterofCoolness: i dont
CenterofCoolness: at all
RightWingdAngel: ok let me try agaib
RightWingdAngel: republican
RightWingdAngel: not liberal
RightWingdAngel: haha i jsut peck-rtyped that
RightWingdAngel: and nit was fun
CenterofCoolness: hahaha
RightWingdAngel: ok another wuatin
RightWingdAngel: *question
CenterofCoolness: ok
RightWingdAngel: yay ayy ayay
RightWingdAngel: funn
CenterofCoolness: how many times have you kissed a girl?
RightWingdAngel: hahahahahahah
RightWingdAngel: twie
RightWingdAngel: i tbhink its our best imte snitta
CenterofCoolness: who? i know one was becky, who is the other?
RightWingdAngel: i was suppoed to stop dtinking when tommy caled
RightWingdAngel: ut after family guy i started again
RightWingdAngel: carlie
RightWingdAngel: same night retard
CenterofCoolness: good thing you kept drinking, its makes it easier for me to extort you so i have some sweet stuff to post in my live journal
RightWingdAngel: extort?
RightWingdAngel: what dat
RightWingdAngel: e
CenterofCoolness: nevermind, its not important
RightWingdAngel: x
RightWingdAngel: t
RightWingdAngel: o
RightWingdAngel: r
RightWingdAngel: t
RightWingdAngel: o
RightWingdAngel: ok
CenterofCoolness: new question
RightWingdAngel: kkkkkkkkk
CenterofCoolness: lemme think of a good one
RightWingdAngel: ask me something goooooooooood
CenterofCoolness: have you ever thought about getting a tattoo or piercing?
RightWingdAngel: yeah but i chan fed my minf
CenterofCoolness: which one were you going to get?
RightWingdAngel: tat
CenterofCoolness: what were you going to get?
RightWingdAngel: better question
RightWingdAngel: something realllly food
CenterofCoolness: ok
CenterofCoolness: lemme think
RightWingdAngel: 3leaf clover for if/wejm o get confirmed
CenterofCoolness: awesome
CenterofCoolness: im getting my tatto this saturday
CenterofCoolness: will you still be in town?
RightWingdAngel: anf im donna go
CenterofCoolness: awesome
RightWingdAngel: hell fcuckin yah
RightWingdAngel: wouldnt miss it for the world
RightWingdAngel: im takin pics or fixxt
CenterofCoolness: good
RightWingdAngel: oj m not feeling well anymore
CenterofCoolness: i cant think of any good questions
RightWingdAngel: u suck
RightWingdAngel: tyou need to be better att his
CenterofCoolness: is there anything fun you want to say to the readers of my livejournal for tomorrow
RightWingdAngel: I LOVE YOU
RightWingdAngel: and my churro
CenterofCoolness: i have to admit, as far as dogs go, churro is one hot piece of ass
RightWingdAngel: i kow!!!!!!!!!!111
RightWingdAngel: so i sherlock
RightWingdAngel: its a tie
RightWingdAngel: i think
CenterofCoolness: sherlock is more of a cat than a dog
RightWingdAngel: no maybe shermidding is cuter
RightWingdAngel: i miss his ears
RightWingdAngel: well shcurros inre of a rat than a dog
CenterofCoolness: thats true, a noisy one a t that
RightWingdAngel: i feel barf mode coming
CenterofCoolness: awesome
RightWingdAngel: he djut soesnt like u
RightWingdAngel: no he doesnt like bastin
RightWingdAngel: im fonna have a nbday part at the end of christrmas break
RightWingdAngel: and toue fonna come
CenterofCoolness: i sure will
RightWingdAngel: yay
RightWingdAngel: and so wil tabbykind
RightWingdAngel: so sfter family i huy i hf like 5 mote shots
CenterofCoolness: yes, i will bring tabbykins
RightWingdAngel: in like 5 minutes
RightWingdAngel: YAY
CenterofCoolness: wow
RightWingdAngel: yeah
RightWingdAngel: then abother mix drink wbdor ei saw u were online
RightWingdAngel: and i have to dtive home in the morning
RightWingdAngel: i get my hair cute
RightWingdAngel: but dont worry, i wont go into gay mode after mine like u
CenterofCoolness: my hair sucked then
CenterofCoolness: i was so mad
RightWingdAngel: yreaj coiuld tell
RightWingdAngel: i think its nap time
RightWingdAngel: sleepytge time
RightWingdAngel: slepy time
CenterofCoolness: nighty night, hope you enjou reading my lj tomorrow
RightWingdAngel: haha funnt
RightWingdAngel: oh wai
RightWingdAngel: u really will wont u
RightWingdAngel: omg sniggaa!
RightWingdAngel: ahhhhhhh
CenterofCoolness: no, i would never
RightWingdAngel: oh ok
RightWingdAngel: nighgyt nisgga!
CenterofCoolness: cya
RightWingdAngel: fbye!!!!