More Notes on Ian

Jan 11, 2011 18:06

Notes On Ian:

- Ian is a Sniff, a psychic bloodhound. In technical terms, he’s a psychometric. He can track people or objects over a large distance. If he has something of his target’s to touch, that distance increases and he can track better. When touching an object, he can see images of what the object has seen. He uses various identifiable landmarks to close in on targets.

- His childhood began rather typical. He had a mom, a dad and some brothers and a sister. He was the oldest, the responsible one and his dad's favorite son. It shocked the whole family when one day Mom announced she was a lesbian and running off with her lover. The divorce was kind of rocky but Ian held the kids together. They lived with their dad the majority of the time.

- His introduction to Sniffing came at an early age. His powers kicked in at ten and then his mom taught him how to channel the images, follow the "scent" of objects and to always wear gloves. As a kid he claimed a rare skin condition to explain away the gloves. His mom told him Division was a necessary evil in life and that it was better to help them than to be hunted by them.

- His introduction to guns came from his dad, again at an early age. When he was thirteen his dad started taking him on hunting trips and taught him to shoot. Ian loved it. In the off season he practiced regularly at a gun range, always with a rifle though when he got older he learned how to use handguns too. He entered more than a few shooting competitions and could've gone pro if he wanted.

- Instead, Ian focused on school and family. For all his love of guns, shooting and hunting, he was also an intensive reader. His "skin condition" did ostracize him as a kid, so he just settled in with books instead. He loves a good second hand bookstore and the older a book the better.

- His love of books make him focus his attentions on English studies and he went to Brown for Literature with a minor in Philosophy. By this time he had come up with better excuses for his gloves, usually just claiming his hands were cold. He had also gotten very good at tracking people down through things. He liked to follow books he bought back to their source.

- He was recruited by Division right out of college. A Sniff named Leroy tacked him down and "suggested" he think about a career helping out. Ian remembered all the things his mom told him and how his mom had helped Division a few times and did the practical thing. He joined up.

- At first he was just a Sniff, finding the targets for Movers, Bleeders and Pushers to close in on. And then things went sideways. Ian found himself running for his life from a "rebel" Bleeder and nearly died until a Division Mover saved him. He decided to find a better way, one where he didn't have to get close to the dangerous ones.

- He settled on what he knew, hunting and rifle hunting. So, he got Division to foot the bill for some Army sniper training and then told them to give him a chance on his own. They said no to that, but did agree to try things his way. He tracked down and took out a Mover without the Mover ever knowing Division had closed in. Division was impressed and Ian's been hunting that way ever since.

- Ian has no grand illusions about himself. He knows he's a bad guy. He knows he's a killer and for the most part isn't ashamed. He has killed some really bad psychics who use their powers to take advantage of people. He's also just killed some psychics who Division didn't like. He loves the tracking part of his job, doesn't like the killing but he does it and does it well.

- He has shut down a lot of emotions because of his work. Deep down it bothers him that he chose to become a killer. A lot of the guilt over that but Ian also chose to be practical about it. He has a kill or be killed attitude. He can be an ass, enjoys sarcasm and flirty comments. He's also an incredibly skilled liar, they just roll of his tongue without a hint of guilt.

- His family has no idea what he does for a living, not even his mother. She knows he Sniffs for Division, but she has no idea he also kills for them. His family thinks he's just a busy marketing guy, traveling the world to close deals. Ian likes it this way and knows working for Division is what allows him to visit his family like he does. He tells strangers he's a private investigator with a talent for finding people. He even has fake business cards for it.

- While two of his siblings are married, Ian doesn't really do close relationships. He's had a few, but because of Division he can't tell his lovers the truth. Besides, he doesn't think any of them would like to be with a cold blooded killer. He prefers women but can be swayed to the other side for the right guy. There have been very few right guys.

- If he could, Ian would be teaching English to high school brats. He can't though, so instead he kills people. Still, he's thought about getting certified to teach in Rhode Island, just to see if he can.

- He has a habit of shaking hands without gloves on. He does this to get a brief glimpse into a person, usually finding out only the very simple things and then he puts the gloves on immediately. The handshake always results in a slight twitch of his cheek. Touching people is a complicated thing. During sex, he does take his gloves off, it's just too weird not to, but he keeps his eyes open so he won't get a psychic overload.

- Most of the time, Ian's got a pretty laid back attitude. He has an incredible sense of patience and has no trouble just sitting still for hours on end. It takes a lot to ruffle his feathers or get under his skin. However, if people are lazy or dismissive of the things he loves, literature, books, and especially guns, he can be short tempered and down right rude.

- He loves to smoke, cigarettes or cigars. He does his best to limit the habit though. He needs his lungs in case of an emergency, but damn does he love the taste of all natural tobacco. He also enjoys a good dark ale, strong whiskey and rum and Coke.

- Recently, his acceptance of Division as part of his life has started to fray. Division gave his Mom something to Sniff. Whatever it was, it broke her mind and she's had to give up her business and move into a mental facility. He's very pissed about this, but is keeping it inside because he doesn't want to become a target too. However, he's getting more and more paranoid about Division.

- Ian loves country music and can play guitar. His singing voice is passable and could probably be pretty good if he bothered to take classes on singing but mostly he likes to sing along with his car radio and in the shower. He's pretty big on singing in the shower.

- Ian has a tattoo on his left arm which he got in college. It's a Native American raven, for his love of the classic poem The Raven and his ancestry. His bloodline includes French fur trappers who married Native American women. He actually knows a lot of Native American folk legends.

[character information]

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