Nov 16, 2004 17:20
i have my car. woot!
::dances some more::
yea so i have a car and it works and my dad FAILED at killing me. unfortunatly by the time i got it, got gas and kinda sorta a little cleaned it i had to be back at his house so i cant go to drama today ::cries:: ?
tomorrow i NEED to go but i also NEED to get it inspected...3 year old insepction sticker is not a good idea. and i gotta work 2morrow night too but anyway the plays this weekend and im happy about all this stuff
i think adams having an icky day or im just being annoying, we kinda fought a little about the car cause of stupid stuff but its okay? now...
yes im lying.
school still needs to end!
anatomy- quiz tomorrow & lab practicle monday
english- essay plus 2 sets of questions
religion- project
ecology- test friday plus questions
psychology- test monday?
composition- essay
but i have FREE to get all of this done!?
i feel bad.
i never have time for myself or people i care about anymore.
and at some point i have to get a portfolio together of art stuff. to bad i dont HAVE art stuff