1. Go to
Career Cruising.
2. Put in Username: nycareers and Password: landmark.
3. Take their "Career Matchmaker" questions.
4. Post the top twenty results
1. Addictions Counselor
2. Licensed Practical Nurse
3. Nurse Practitioner
4. Rehabilitation Counselor
5. Acupuncturist oh, really?
6. Nurse
7. Gerontologist
8. Chiropractor
9. Mediator
10. Anthropologist
11. Dentist not on your life, friends.
12. Genetic Counselor what does that even mean?
13. Sport Psychology Consultant
14. Psychologist
15. Activist
16. Marriage and Family Therapist
17. Print Journalist
18. Writer
19. Religious Worker
20. Critic
Hon. Mentions:
37. Auto Detailer
39. Judge