It's not toxoplasmosis and it's (probably) not heartworm. Both tests came back negative. So it's on to poking about for neurological causes. I have an appointment with the Vet School on Wednesday morning, and we'll just have to go from there.
They must have siphoned off a sizeable amount of blood, because they drew from the foreleg and blew the vein.
You can totally tell that they tried/had to draw blood from the other leg, too.
He walked a little duck-footed for a while.
Just this evening I was hanging out in the office with Renault in my lap. Nick was busy re-installing things to his laptop (his harddrive gave up the ghost last night, but he'd gone in on the warranty and Genius Bar replaced it with AN EVEN BIGGER harddrive for free) when, in an explosion of bad timing, I picked Renault up against my shoulder and Nick banged a knee or an elbow against his desk. Renault flipped out at the noise, launching himself out of my arms by pushing off against my neck. He might as well have bunny-kicked me:
He lashed out with such force that he snapped clean through the rope-chain necklace I was wearing.
Not too bad once the bleeding stopped (that was ALARMING, thank you cat), but every cat-scratch I've ever gotten has scarred nastily. I think I might invest in some of that scar-minimizing gel, since this is so visible.
At least we'll have something interesting to talk about around the office! Maybe if I blame it on Nick...