Nicky Pasi Mon, Aug 31, 2009 at 10:47 AM
To: Batman So, apparently you speak in tongues during your night terrors. Last night you bolted upright and blurted something very urgent at me...except it wasn't actually a sentence. I think it went something like:
"This! Hot is and too but I what hey you should it's are blanket want take cats can't here!"
Then you shoved the comforter off and stomped around a bit. I think you went to the bathroom? I have no idea, because I was so confused I just rolled over, but your weird behavior kept fucking with my dreams and I didn't sleep well for the rest of the night, SO THANKS FOR THAT ASSHOLE. This is probably similar to that thing I do when you try to talk to me while I'm falling asleep and I say things that make no sense/have no bearing on whatever you just asked me.
Or you're just a freak.
Batman Mon, Aug 31, 2009 at 11:04 AM
To: Nicky Pasi For some reason, that's hilarious to me! I actually remember that! I don't remember you being awake though. I just remember speaking as I jumped up and walked around the bed. But when I woke up at the door, I had no idea what I'd just said. Actually, I felt like I had just been speaking like a deaf person, or a mentally disabled person. You know, "MnuUUHnuhhnuuuhHUUUH" I can't believe actual words came out that my brain wasn't processing! But then I really did go to the bathroom since I was up. I'm sorry it woke you up and messed with your sleep!
Don't worry, I got mine. At 9am some workers started BUZZSAWING CEMENT BLOCKS OUTSIDE OUR WINDOW IN THE PARKING LOT. And they DIDN'T STOP FOR THE LAST HOUR AND A HALF I HAD TO SLEEP. Ugh. Sleep karma? Of course, I didn't do it to you on purpose...
[Quoted text hidden] Batman Mon, Aug 31, 2009 at 11:11 AM
To: Nicky Pasi I was very hot though, as my speech hints at. I came back to find my side of the bed SOAKED. Maybe my brain was frying and that's the reason I did it this time?
On Mon, Aug 31, 2009 at 10:47 AM, Nicky Pasi <> wrote:
[Quoted text hidden]
Nicky Pasi Mon, Aug 31, 2009 at 11:11 AM
To: Batman The general gist, I think, was that you were getting hot under the comforter. I THINK. You may also have been warning me that space weasels were burrowing in our mattress. WHO KNOWS?
*pats* That's harsh. I'm sorry you were jolted out of bed. They should have more consideration for those who may work night shifts.
[Quoted text hidden] Batman Mon, Aug 31, 2009 at 11:15 AM
To: Nicky Pasi I'd like to claim it was both because space weasels are an ever present threat. *solemn*
We are a very loving couple. *nods*