Uploading these as I finish them. Please forgive the spiral-notebook spirals, as I cannot find an 'eraser' tool in the Mac's base image-editing software. What the hell is up with that?! Even PAINT had an eraser! Please, tell me if I've missed something.
I would like to preface these with a disclaimer: the colors scanned in fine, but the LJ-uploaded version is completely washed out compared to what's on my desktop, and I uploaded into Photoshop. The display should be the same, no?!
Let's start with someone totally new:
As the only (grown) woman in the group, Jamie McKinney fails at contributing femininity. She does not mother, she does not cook, and she does not care about your issues. What she does do is FIX SHIT. She's Obsessive Compulsive, but not in the germophobic way that most associate with the disorder. Jamie has the variety that compels her to repeat actions a set number of times, and the irrational fear that everything will fall apart if her belongings aren't always in the exact same spot. She keeps a spotlessly clean home, but only because the act of cleaning is an inherently repetitive thing that appeals to her neuroses.
Whether her disorder is caused by her mage ability, or her ability stemmed from her issues is hard to say, but basically she can look at things and know how they came to be broken. Someone broke into a house? She'll tell you exactly how they got in. Your computer was hacked? She can tell you how your firewalls were taken down. Dead body? She can see just how it got dead. It's a versatile little power, and it keeps the repairmen (and their greasy, greasy fingernails) out of her home.
Art-wise, I REALLY love how she turned out. A book I read recently continually described a female character as being "sleek," and I modeled her a bit off my mental image of that character. I adore her long nose, and I think I'm going to have fun wih her gangliness. She literally towers over everyone but Trey, who, to be fair, was assembled from spare bits.
Also, I'm stupid-happy with the skintoning. I think I'm getting the hang of the markers. At least a little bit. The grayscale versions are tests for the actual comic pages, which I DO NOT intend to do in full color. Sadly, the scanner wiped out a lot of the lighter grays on the second head. I was proud of them, too...I feel like my contouring is really improving.
And, rehashing some old lineart:
Phiiiiil! I love that, as the heads get closer to Lynn at the bottom, he stops smoking. It's just one of those little things that wasn't intentional, but worked out kind of awesome.
This was my first go at markers in a while, so the colors are significantly messier than Jamie's. I'm still getting the hang of the BLEED factor (which explains Phil's gray shirts, the couch, the blanket...). And, again, a lot of the gradiants are lost.
Phil, your couch is crusty and you have a PURPLE THROW BLANKET. It almost goes without saying that he and Jamie are arch-enemies, and she barely tolerates his presence. He smells like smoke and sheds ash and hair and lint EVERYWHERE. But, being a holdover from the late fifties, he respects her anal retentive attitude towards his behavior in her territory (wimmins and their home-sphere, amiright?). He does think that she should step up and be more of a mom-figure to Lynn, and cannot seem to grasp her anti-child sentiments. Jamie feels that Lynn is okay because she's fairly clean and keeps her hands to herself, but that doesn't mean she has any more affection for her than any other member of this little "team." Phil...takes that kinda personal for reasons that are more revealing than he probably guesses (hint: he is made of squish).
Locke and Shane by this wekeend, I think!