Text from mom: "How R U healthwise? Everyone sick up here."
AHA! Now I know who to blame!
It never gets any less creepy, how she knows when I'm ill.
Napping did not improve the head-stuff. Lying down only gave the sinus-slug free reign to slide baaaaack and forth behind my cheekbones as I rolled.
And then I threw up in the bathtub in the middle of the night. Because the toilet was occupied at the time and there was no liner in the trashcan.
While I felt better this morning, I still took a sick day. I'd rather kill it with cold meds and sleep it off than go to work half-awake and clogged to distraction. I'd be bound to make some kind of stupid mistake (like, oh, allocating $8000 to the wrong campaign. God, I am an idiot). And I don't want to be couch-bound when Coral's here.
I think it is time for a second round of naps. And lots of juice.