Jul 06, 2008 01:38
I'm not real sure how the interview went; I approached it from the standpoint of already having a solid job with great benefits and security, so I'm afraid my attitude may have been a little too "Give me a reason to choose you over them". Also they're short several key administrative positions. I got the impression that they were severely understaffed, poorly organized and more than a little desperate. There's something to be said for the opportunity to wear a lot of hats and develop a program from scratch...but then there's being spread like too little butter over too much bread, and I've been in the latter situation enough times to recognize that vibe. If they decide to offer me the job, I'll know by Wednesday, but I'm not sure I'd accept it if they did.
On the bright side, I'd get national and Jewish holidays off, and that's kind of nice...
After the interview I swung by Falls Lake to hang out with Nick and some new friends from our apartment complex. One of them had a jetski, which Nick broke about half a mile from our beach! Luckily a beat up boat trailing two American Flags and one flag-bikini-wearing chick offered us a tow back to land. We were sunburned and embarrassed, but apparently the jetski has had this problem before, so it's not actually Nick's fault.
Then I party hopped over to the Broadwater's. They are FANTASTIC hosts and I had a wonderful time! I don't usually feel that at ease around such a large group of people, but it was a really fun, relaxing party. If I promise not to set off any more champagne poppers indoors, can I be invited back?
Today was the cookout at Amy and Lucas'. There were defective sparklers and rounds of Catch Phrase, although I think perhaps we ought to limit that game to smaller teams. It gets a little confusing with more than six people. I ate too much and crashed on their very comfy armchair (I'm so sorry; I think all the running around on Friday caught up with me, and the stomach full of eclair cake did not help). They are also wonderful hosts ^^ I can tell that Amy loves having a new house to pack people into.
Nick and I caught the Fairground Fireworks on our way home. We pulled into an empty strip mall parking lot and sat on the roof of his car to watch them. We only saw the last five minutes or so, but it was enough to make me happy and we only hit the very edge of traffic. We picked up garlic soup at Bella Monica (and said hi to Kelly) then watched a couple episodes of Bones. I have some new sketches and SHINY PRISMACOLOR MARKERS to color them with, so all in all it's been a very productive day!
It's poured all weekend, and my car is leaking. I think I'll take it to the Ford Dealership on Monday, and see if I can schedule to leave it with them over the upcoming weekend, since I'll be at Carrowinds.
Today was my mother's 52nd Birthday! I was only able to leave her a voicemail, probably because she was celebrating at some loud biker bar and didn't hear her phone go off.
job search,