(no subject)

Aug 09, 2007 12:27

I'm sorry for the long stretch of radio silence. I have not, as emails have inquired, fallen off the face of the earth. Worse, actually; I'm on dialup. It takes me forty minutes to check my email, and LJ is an absolute nightmare. So I've been/will continue to be a little out of the loop. Shoot me an email if you want my attention!

Instead of dicking around on the internet, I've been packing, beading, and tooling around with mom on her Shadow. I've decided I want a motorcycle one day. They're so much fun to ride, and nothing tops the faint look of surprise on people's faces when a couple of skinny chicks dismount

Tagged by sandtiger
1. List seven habits/quirks/facts about yourself.
2. Tag seven people to do the same.
3. Do not tag the person who tagged you or say that you tag whoever wants to do it.

1) I don't sleep well by myself. My sister and I shared a room until I was thirteen, and we've always allowed pets on our beds. I hardly slept at all in the brief period between moving into my own apartment and sneaking a cat in under the landlord's nose.

2) I have had one bizarrely prophetic dream in my lifetime. In it, I came home after school to find the front door unlocked (which never happened, because we were latchkey kids and we lived off the airforce base). Confused, I went up the stairs to find my best friend from Italy, and her whole family, sitting in our livingroom chatting with my mom. The exact thing happened the next day.

3) Despite the above, I'm not a big believer in extrasensory abilities. I do believe in powers and existences greater than our own, and I also believe that there are things no one can explain, but I think most human 'powers' can be explained by intuition and observation.

4) I scar with ridiculous ease. I have a line for every scratch that's ever broken my skin.

5) I can't drink fruit juice straight. We used to live in Naples, where the tapwater is safe for bathing in, but not much else, and all the bottled water is that fizzy mineral stuff. Coral and I couldn't stand the taste of it, so our mom used to mix it into grapejuice and applejuice. To this day, uncut fruit juice is too strong for me.

6) I can't do anything on my computer, read or type, with someone sitting behind me. This post has taken extra long to write, because my sister is hovering behind me, waiting for a crack at the computer.

7) I can swear in five languages, though I only speak English fluently. That's all I retained from living abroad and multiple language courses.

See you all after the move!

memes, moving

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