Your Candy Heart Is "Beat Me"
Between a spanking and a time out, you know what to choose
Valentine's Day isn't perfect, without a baseball sized bruise
Forget chocolate! It's all about taking a bit out of you.
You don't mind a little scratch marks mixed in too!
What Naughty Candy Heart Are You?
More Great Quizzes from Quiz Diva
This could very possibly be the worst Valentines ever for least the one year that I didnt have a date was the year mic and I got our tiffany's bracelets. Oh, the days when I had money! Well, I guess it isnt a total bust because I'm going to make some cash and get the shameless flirting from the guys that I work with... but none of them I would actually want for a Valentine. Except for maybe that one kid from state that i can never remember his name...That helps me out a ton.
Hmmm... more Shannon news.. guys not good. friends- getting better. family, dont even ask... feeling really detached from a lot of things, just sort of going thru the motions, its weird, whenever i get disappointed by whats going on in my life, i just stop caring... not such a good coping mechanism, but this time, im going to still go to class and work, because, as we've seen from the past 3 semesters, what i have been trying just does not work.
Yay, Death Cab and Ben Kweller are coming to town... I cannot wait for that, seeing as how the only thing that keeps me from a good concert are the concerts themselves selling out, or a tree falling on my car, and even that almost didnt stop me...
Need to go sleep so that i can wake up on time tomrw, it will be the first time in a week...