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Quizilla So, at least quizilla thinks so! hehehe anyways, good day today once i forget about the bio test that i took before i actually woke up - really did awful on it... im almost curious what i got on it, but i guess it cant be any worse than the last one. I really need to boost my gpa, so next semester i am taking all classes that are rediculously easy... wooo hooo! finally - a good semester! I just signed up for pkg101VU which will just join the rest of my classes as one of the many electives that i have taken. Well, I've got to get back to sewing, I'm still working on my quilt which i am falling in love with - its made totally out of scraps of cashmere - and I have one or two weeks until i give it to josh. Danny says that I should just keep it for myself, because boys dont appreciate things like that... Id like to believe him but i have this silly idea of mine that josh might be different:-D
Things I have lined up for the weekend:
~Babysitting for Teri... always fun + 40 extra bucks
~Visiting Traci, Mom, Gare and my grandparents
~Doing a little window shopping in B-ham
~Watching the Ohio State game...not by choice...
~Probably seeing my dad...also not by choice...
it should be a good time... i just hope i dont get sick again over the weekend... its about time i started feeling good! Well, must get going... need to pack and get some sleep!