I understand some people have been concerned as to our whereabouts. My apologies. Allow me to explain.
Lemony has been busy with several leads on the Baudelaire story, as well as, of course, running from the law, which, he stresses, makes it difficult to access the internet on a regular basis. His laptop was carried off by eagles about a month ago, so as much as we enjoy hearing from and speaking to you all, we can't do it as often as we'd like.
We appreciate your patience, of course - you've all been most kind. Please don't think that just because we can't speak to you through this journal we're dead; negative thinking like that seldom helps.
I myself am currently underground, both literally and figuratively. Internet access here is restricted. Wanda's concern was pointed out to me by a friend, so I've managed a few moments (hopefully) uninterrupted to myself, and I hope this message gets posted safely.
Keep watching for more journal updates. I shall try to make them more frequent, and get my brothers to do the same. I don't know what Jacques's been up to, there's really no excuse for him to be so silent.
Fond regards,
Kit Snicket.